Idaho State Licensure

Idaho issues no O&P licenses.  However, certification is required for individuals
providing custom orthotics and prosthetics for the Idaho Medical Assistance Program.

​Click here​ to find out more about becoming ABC certified.


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Contact Info

Idaho State Licensure
Idaho Dept. of Health & Welfare / Division of Medicaid / 450 W. State St. / Boise, ID 83702
Juliet Charron, Division Director

Other Links

Click on a State for Licensure Information

Contact ABC's Staff

Photo of Stephen Fletcher, CPO

Stephen Fletcher, CPO

Director, Professional Credentialing

Directs ABC’s Professional Ethics, Certification, Scope of Practice and Government Relations programs. Manages all ABC’s certification exam development and administration activities. Facilitates coordination of professional/clinical issues across all ABC programs, including state licensure.

Send Stephen an email
Photo of Molly Maguire

Molly Maguire

Professional Credentialing Administrator

Primary contact for: professional ethics complaints against ABC credential holders, questions about ABC scope of practice, state licensure issues and ABC Board of Director nomination applications.

Send Molly an email