Precertification Courses

To be eligible to apply for ABC certification in orthotic, mastectomy, therapeutic shoe fitting and pedorthics you​​ must complete an ABC approved pre-certification course.

Select from the disciplines shown below to learn more about available precertification courses.


Got Questions?

Contact our Team

Photo of Stephen Fletcher, CPO

Stephen Fletcher, CPO

Director, Professional Credentialing

Directs ABC’s Professional Ethics, Certification, Scope of Practice and Government Relations programs. Manages all ABC’s certification exam development and administration activities. Facilitates coordination of professional/clinical issues across all ABC programs, including state licensure.

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Photo of Tabita Whilden

Tabita Whilden

Certification Manager

Responsible for all administrative functions of ABC's certification programs and interfacing with outside consultants.

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Photo of Lauren Moran

Lauren Moran

Certification Candidate Coordinator

Contact for: certification program inquiries, certification application assistance and status and licensure examination inquiries.

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Photo of Bethany Webb

Bethany Webb

Certification Program Assistant

Contact for: general certification program inquiries, certification application assistance, licensure exam inquiries and certificate reprints.

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