What Standards Apply to Me?

As an added resource, we created a quick and easy way for you to determine exactly which standards apply to the products you provide your patients. Use the tool below to choose the specific product categories you provide. The program will generate a custom list of the standards that apply to those product categories. This list can then be used to help you focus on these areas for compliance as you prepare for your onsite survey.

Briefcase with a checkmark

Compliance Kit

Armed with feedback and suggestions from our facilities and surveyors, we've created the ABC Accreditation Compliance Kit— a resource designed to help make the accreditation process simple and successful whether you’re pursuing accreditation for the  first time or have been accredited for years. 

 A critical part of the Compliance Kit is the RESOURCE PACK 

Your online resource for sample forms, templates, checklists and articles available for you to review, use and modify to fit your facility’s needs. Simply download each item below and make it your own. 

Look for the Resource Pack icon throughout the calendar indicating which standards have templates or additional resources available for download.

View The Kit

Recommended Resources

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