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Technician Exam References and Reading List

January 2019



Examination development involves the use of many references and resources including, but not limited to:

Anderson, Miles. A Manual of Lower Extremity Orthotics. Charles C. Thomas Pub Ltd. 1978.

Anderson, Miles. Upper Extremity Orthotics. 4th Printing.

Atlas of Orthotics: Biomechanical Principles and Application. American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.1975.

Atlas of Orthotics: Biomechanical Principals and Application. 2nd edition. Edited by William Bunch, et al. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 1985.

The Boston Brace Manual.

Carlson, J.M. and Berglund, G. An Effective Orthotic Design for Controlling the Unstable Subtalar Joint. Orthotics and Prosthetics, Volume 33, No 1. March 1979.

Contemporary Pedorthics. W. Decker, S. Albert, EltonWolf Publishing, 2002. Pg. 253.

Glancy, John, CO. Control of the Foot/Ankle Complex: Orthotic Recommendations. 2000.

Hsu, Michael and Fisk, Mosby. AAOS Atlas of Orthoses and Assistive Devices. 4th edition. 2008.

Lunsford, Thomas. Orthology: Pathomechanics of Lower-Limb Orthotic Design. American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists. 1998.

Malas, Bryan J. The Effect of Ankle-Foot Orthoses on Balance: A Clinical Perspective, Prosthetics Orthotics. 2010. Pgs. 26-27.

Orthotics: Clinical Practice and Rehabilitation Technology. Edited by John B.Redford, John V. Basmajian and Paul Troutman. Churchill Livingstone, Inc. 1995.

Redford, John. Orthotics, Etcetera (Rehabilitation Medicine Library). Williams and Wilkins. 1986.

Sabollich, J. Modification of the Posterior Leaf Spring Orthosi.Orthotics and Prosthetics, Volume 30, No 3. September 1976. Pgs. 35-36.

Stein, Alex. Modifying the Plaster Model of an AFO. O and P Edge. April 2016.