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Sexual Harassment Resource Guide for the Orthotic and Prosthetic Profession

May 2020


  • American Sociological Association. “ ASA Anti-Harassment Resources.” (campus leaders, academic meetings, research on sexual harassment at conferences, sociology, nationwide, federal government, training programs, reports about harassment at academic meetings, other reports about harassment, current conversations).
  • Healthline. “Sexual Assault Resource Guide.” (Overview, what to do, crisis hotlines, online forums and support, what’s considered assault, if you want: medical care, a “rape kit,” to make a police report, legal support, a therapist, long-term recovery, if you’re worried about a loved one).
  • Lean In. “Lean In: Dealing with Sexual Harassment for Individuals. Advice Information and Support for Harassment Survivors and for Anyone who wants to Help.” (Understanding the issue, discussion guides, facts about sexual harassment, sexual assault and the LGBTQ community, not just the rich and famous – the pervasiveness of sexual harassment across industries affects all workers, practicing self-care, knowing your options, helping others, know you’re not alone).
  • National Women’s Law Center. “NWLC Resource: That’s Harassment.” (10 Ways to help your company prevent harassment, sample quarterly anti-harassment check-in, recommended practices of employers when a high-profile individual is accused of harassment, resources for employees).
  • Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). “Workplace Harassment Training Resources.” (How to revamp your harassment prevention program, training that doesn’t work, separate sexual harassment training for managers, ethics and compliance training courses).
  • Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). “Workplace Harassment Compliance Resources.” (Don’t make harassment claims subject to arbitration, 5 ways to strengthen your anti-harassment complaint procedure, quiz: is it sexual harassment?, 5 effective ways to upgrade your policy, different types of sexual harassment, Me Too or Not Us?, omissions to policies that make them ineffective, 13 non-defenses to workplace harassment).
  • U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. “Promising Practices for Preventing Harassment.” (Leadership and accountability, comprehensive and effective policy, effective complaint system, effective harassment training). 
  • U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. “ Facts About Sexual Harassment Discrimination
  • Women in Research. “Workplace Resources: Sexual Harassment and Assault.” (recommended steps for protecting yourself and dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace, review handbook and policies, tell the harasser that behaviors are unwanted and must stop, report your concern to manager, resources in the U.S., Australia, E.U., U.K., Japan and other areas).