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Sexual Harassment Resource Guide for the Orthotic and Prosthetic Profession

May 2020


  • ABC, “Harassment in the Workplace Series: Part 2 – We’re All in it Together.” Mark of Merit Newsletter, June 2019, (belief that sexual harassment is common but not happening in own workplace, most people who experience harassment don’t report it, O&P profession no different, ABC disciplinary process, necessity for cultural shift).
  • ABC – Megan Matijevich. “Harassment is Serious Business for Practice Owners: Tips for reducing and preventing the incidence of sexual harassment in the O&P workplace.” O&P Almanac, October 2019, pp. 48-51. Web Article, (Statistics and stories, prevention is best defense against harassment, knowing the law, accountability begins with leadership).
  • Rosenfeld, Larry. “Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policies.” EntrepreneurWebsite, (companies with 15 or fewer employees exempt from federal discrimination laws, juries tend to award plaintiffs high monetary damages, low cost options for employers, creating a policy and identifying what should be included, policies aid in prevention).
  • Trotter, Richard & Zacur, Susan Rawson. “Corporate Sexual Harassment Policies: Effective Strategic Human Resource Management.” Journal of Business & Economics Research, Mar. 1, 2004, vol. 2, no. 3. Web Article, (circumstances in which employers are held liable for sexual harassment, definition of harassment, examples of conduct, guidelines for victims of harassment, who to report to, distribution of policy, conducting investigation, corrective action, training).
  • AOPA, “A Toolbox for Ethical O&P Workplaces.” O&P Almanac, May 2018, pp. 23-24. Web Article, (implementing written policies, designating a compliance officer, conducting effective training and education, developing effective lines of communication, enforcing standards through well-publicized disciplinary guidelines, conducting internal monitoring and auditing, responding promptly to detected offenses).
  • “Association Issues Comments on Anti-Harassment Open Letter.” O&P Edge, December 11, 2018.  Web Article, (recap of Open Letter from Alliance and comments from each Alliance member organization).