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January 2019
Following are sample questions that are similar to those you will find on the examination for prosthetic technicians.
1. An amputation just above the wrist joint is called a:
A. Long transradial B. Long transhumeral C. Short transradial D. Partial hand
2. A TSB socket design is used for transtibial patients. TSB stands for:
A. Transtibial Socket Base B. Transtibial Socket Bearing C. Total Surface Bearing D. Total Socket Base
3. An amputation that removes part of the pelvis is called a:
A. Forequarter B. Hip Disarticulation C. Transfemoral D. Hemipelvectomy
4. Moving a body segment away from the midline of the body is called:
A. Abduction B. Adduction C. Flexion D. Extension
5. The prosthetic design that provides structural strength through its outer shell is called:
A. Endoskeletal B. Exoskeletal C. Modular D. Reciprocal
6. Which of the following would NOT be a part of a bilateral transradial harness?
A. Control attachment strap B. Cross point C. Inverted Y suspension strap D. Axilla loop
7. Material safety data sheets should be:
A. Available to all staff that come into contact with those materials B. Kept in a locked cabinet C. Only referred to after there has been an incident D. Submitted with each Medicare claim
8. What is the BEST course of action when the technician discovers evidence of corrosion on an endoskeletal component while performing an unrelated adjustment on the prosthesis?
A. Clean the component and check all attachment screws B. Inform the treating practitioner about the issue C. Note the corrosion in the patient’s technical record D. Perform a stress test to determine if the prosthesis is structurally safe
9. The government body that regulates work place health and safety is:
A. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) B. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) C. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) D. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
10. The residual limb length of a transfemoral patient is determined by which measurement?
A. Ischial tuberosity to adductor tubercle B. Perineum to end of limb C. Perineum to adductor tubercle D. Ischial tuberosity to end of limb
Answer Key:
1. A 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. D