
©2025 by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Practice Analysis of Certified Practitioners in the Disciplines of Orthotics and Prosthetics

September 2022



Results and Discussion Related to the Domains

This section presents the results of the ratings related to the five domains delineated in the survey. The survey did not include the Promotion of Professional Practice  survey in the percentage of time spent in each practice domain question (Table 21) because it is not included on any exams.

Table 21

Percentage of Time Spent in Practice Domains

Domain 1—Patient Evaluation
Perform a comprehensive clinical evaluation of  the patient, including a history, physical examination, and an assessment of their  functional baseline, to understand the patient’s orthotic/ prosthetic needs, goals, and  expectations
Domain 2—Formulation of the Treatment Plan  
Analyze and integrate information from the patient evaluation to create a  comprehensive orthotic/prosthetic treatment plan to meet the patient’s needs, goals, and  expectations
Domain 3—Implementation of the Treatment Plan  
Perform or direct all procedures necessary, including fabrication,  to provide comprehensive orthotic/ prosthetic treatment
Domain 4—Continuation of the Treatment Plan  
Provide periodic follow-up care to assess the patient’s ongoing needs, goals, and
Domain 5—Practice Management  
Adhere to policies and procedures regarding  human resources, physical environment, business and financial practices, regulatory  requirements, and organizational management

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