©2025 by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics, Inc. All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be produced in any form without written permission of the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics, Inc.
March 2025
Written Exam
A pass/fail exam result will be displayed immediately upon completion of your exam. In addition, within 24 hours, ABC will notify you that your scores are available on your My ABC account.
Simulation Exam
A pass/fail exam result will be displayed immediately upon completion of your exam. In addition, within 2-3 weeks after the completion of the exam cycle, ABC will notify you that your official score report is available on your My ABC account.
Clinical Patient Management Exam
A pass/fail exam result will be emailed approximately three days after completion of the exam administration. In addition, within 2-3 weeks after the completion of the exam cycle, ABC will notify you that your official score report is available on your My ABC account.
If a candidate fails an exam multiple times, they may request a review of their most recent exam attempt. This review will provide additional information concerning the content areas in which the candidate is not performing well. Candidates are only eligible for one review per each exam type. In order to qualify for this exam review, all the following criteria must be met:
For the Prosthetist Orthotist Written Exam
For the Prosthetic and the Orthotic Simulation and CPM Exams
Please be advised that processing exam reviews can take up to four weeks.
The nature, format, content and results of exams administered by ABC are considered privileged information. Due to the importance of test security and item banking, neither test questions nor answer keys will be disclosed or made available for review by candidates or any other unauthorized third party.
All scoring procedures and responses to exam questions are conducted and verified by ABC’s testing service.
Written Exam Scoring
The passing score for the written exam has been recommended by a geographically diverse panel of practicing certified practitioners with both clinical and educational backgrounds who have been individually selected by the ABC Board of Directors. This panel, under the guidance of testing experts from ABC’s testing service, computes a passing score representing the minimum level of knowledge that must be demonstrated to pass the exam. All exams are administered and scored by a computer-based system.
Simulation Exam Scoring
Each simulation problem contains options that are scored as clearly indicated in competent practice or clearly contraindicated. The problems also contain options that are appropriate (without being clearly indicated), neutral and inappropriate (without being clearly contraindicated). All problems are scored individually by comparing your responses with those identified as optimal by content experts. The scores for each problem are then combined to calculate the total score.
Candidates achieving the optimal score select the path identified as the optimal path, avoiding options that detract from the score by being contraindicated or clearly contraindicated in competent practice. The passing point, as determined by expert judges, is set to assure that all passing candidates achieve at least the minimally acceptable score.
Clinical Patient Management Exam Scoring
ABC calculates CPM scores using a formula that weighs each response relative to how critical that item is judged to be. This judgment is developed by a panel of certified practitioners. Clinical examiners evaluate a candidate’s performance on each task. The passing point is referenced to a criterion with clear, predetermined standards.
Failing CPM scores within three percent of the passing score are always reviewed and verified as part of our standard quality control procedures. Your final score is a result of this review process.
You may not appeal a failing score on any exam. However, you may request a review of a particular incident or procedure relative to the exam process or administration procedure if you believe the incident or procedure impeded your opportunity for successful completion of your exam.
Written and Simulation Exams
The following actions must be taken prior to submitting a written request for review:
The written request for review must be:
Clinical Patient Management Exam
Any incidents or administrative procedures that have impacted your ability to successfully complete the exam must have been documented using a Candidate Incident form and signed by you, the Candidate Liaison and the Site Coordinator at the exam. There will be no recourse after the exam if you verbally express a problem or concern to the Candidate Liaison but elect not to submit a Candidate Incident form.
If the onsite resolution is unsatisfactory to you or if you believe that the incident has impeded you from performing at your best, you may elect to terminate your participation in the CPM exam. If you decide to terminate your participation at the exam your exam fee will not be refunded, and your eligibility will not be extended.
If a request for a review is submitted concerning an incident or administrative procedure, you will receive notification of the outcome of the review within 30 days of receipt of the request. Should you not be satisfied with the decision rendered, you may submit a written appeal to the board of directors within 14 days. You will be notified of the board’s decision within 60 days of receipt of your request. The board of directors’ decision is final.