
©2025 by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Practice Analysis of Certified Pedorthists

January 2017



In 2016 the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics, & Pedorthics, Inc. (ABC) contracted with Professional Examination Service (ProExam) to develop and implement a practice analysis and validation study for certified pedorthists. ABC performed a pedorthist practice analysis and validation study in 2009. In 2016, as planned, pedorthists were resurveyed in order to identify changes related to the delivery of care, the components available and the technology in use today.

The respondents to the survey have provided a great service to the profession. It is imperative that pedorthists and the profession recognize the importance of studies such as this that provide vital information to standard setting organizations. 

Why do a Practice Analysis Study?

The goal of the practice analysis is to determine current trends in the provision of pedorthic services by pedorthists.

Why do a Validation Study?

The goal of the validation study was to identify priorities unique in the delivery of pedorthic care, e.g., What highly critical tasks are performed by all pedorthists? What subset of knowledge and skills is essential? Which procedures are most frequently implemented?

What Will ABC do with the Results of the Study?

The results are being used to generate defensible credentialing test specifications designed for entry-level pedorthists. The results will also be used to identify specific topics for in-service and/or continuing education and to provide guidance for educational program enhancement in regard to curriculum review and/or programmatic self-assessment.

The specific objectives of the study were to:

  • Conduct an update of the practice analysis of pedorthists by delineating and validating the domains of practice, specific tasks performed and associated knowledge and skills required to perform each task
  • Quantify time spent and tasks performed with regard to various pedorthic devices
  • Describe the patients to whom credentialed pedorthists provide direct patient care
  • Develop defensible test specifications for the multiple-choice certified pedorthist examination