
©2025 by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Continuing Education Provider Portal Instructions

November 2020


Adding a New Course

Select the Add Course button. As you move through the process, your application will auto-save in the Pending Submission section where you can complete the application at a later date. Only applications with complete information will be reviewed by ABC.

Course Types
You can only select ONE course type.

Conferences • Education Fair • State/Regional Meetings
Multi-session, multiple-day education events held yearly and approved only for the specific dates you specify in a calendar year – application fee is $200
Please note that courses held as part of a large conference are approved as part of that conference only.

Exhibit Hall Credits
Meetings with more than 15 exhibitors are eligible for additional Category II exhibit hall credits.
100 Exhibitors = 3 credits
50-100 Exhibitors = 2 credits
15-49 Exhibitors = 1 credit
Attendees must complete the Category II Exhibit Hall Attendance application (link to form) to receive credit.

One-time events
Any type of event held on only one day in a calendar year (webinar or live course). Application fee is $100.
Approved for one date only.

Live Courses
In person meeting, demonstration, seminar or other course that is held multiple times per calendar year. Live courses are approved for two years.
Application fee is $150 for a maximum of 10 sessions of the same course. Additional 10
session packs (for the same course given 10 more times) can be purchased anytime during your two-year approval.

Online, live (synchronous) events. Webinar sponsors are required to provide participants
with a quiz at the conclusion of the course. Webinars are approved for two years.
Application fee is $150 for a maximum of 10 sessions of the same course. Additional 10
session packs (for the same course given 10 more times) can be purchased anytime
during your two-year approval.

eLearning courses
Pre-recorded online (asynchronous) events available on demand. eLearning sponsors
are required to provide participants with a quiz at the conclusion of the course.
Application fee is $150 and approved for two years.