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Practice Analysis of ABC Certified Assistants in the Disciplines of Orthotics and Prosthetics

January 2012


Results Relating to the Tasks

Respondents rated the tasks using two scales:

  • Frequency: How frequently did you perform the task during the past year?
  • Criticality: How critical is this task to optimizing outcomes for patients and/or caregivers? 1=Not critical, 2=Minimally critical, 3=Moderately critical, 4=Highly critical

Table 16 provides summary data on the mean Frequency and Criticality ratings for respondents answering the survey from the orthotic and prosthetic perspectives. In the vast majority of cases, there was little difference between the mean Frequency ratings of the respondents in each sub-group: there were only four tasks where the mean difference in rating was 0.4 or greater. In all these instances, the orthotic respondents performed the task more frequently than did the prosthetic respondents. These were Review patient’s prescription/referral and Perform procedure (e.g., measure, take impression, delineate, scan, digitize) (both tasks with a mean rating difference of 0.6), Select appropriate pre-fabricated orthosis based on patient measurements and the established treatment plan (difference of 1.0), and Document all findings and actions related to follow-up using established record-keeping techniques (difference of 0.4).

In only one case was there a mean Criticality rating difference of greater than 0.3 between the orthotic and prosthetic respondents; this was Select appropriate pre-fabricated orthosis based on patient measurements and the established treatment plan (difference of 0.6). As might be expected, the instances wherein the Frequency and Criticality ratings differed the most were associated with sub-group specific tasks.

Table 16

Task Frequency and Criticality Ratings
Domain 1 – Assessment    
Review patient’s prescription/referral3.
Review patient history and assessment findings (e.g., previous device use, medical history, physical limitations, activity levels, patient measurements)
Consult with certified orthotist/ certified prosthetist about patient’s condition in order to understand the treatment plan (e.g., diagnosis, amputation level, orthotic or prosthetic requirements)
Document assessment findings, as directed
Domain 2 – Implementation of the Treatment Plan    
Provide patient with preparatory care for orthotic/prosthetic treatment (e.g., shrinker, compression garment)
Select appropriate materials/ techniques in order to obtain a patient model/image3.
Prepare patient for procedure required to initiate treatment plan (e.g., information about aspects of the procedure)
Perform procedure (e.g., measure, take impression, delineate, scan, digitize)
Select appropriate pre-fabricated orthosis based on patient measurements and the established treatment plan3.
Comply with manufacturer’s specifications regarding components/ materials
Prepare delineation/impression/ template for modification/fabrication3.
Rectify and prepare patient model/ image for fabrication3.
Fabricate/assemble/align orthosis/ prosthesis in order to prepare for initial or diagnostic fitting3.
Assess device for structural safety and ensure that manufacturers’ guidelines have been followed prior to patient fitting (e.g., torque values, component weight limits)
Assess alignment of orthosis/ prosthesis for accuracy in sagittal, transverse and coronal planes in order to provide optimal function/ comfort
Ensure that materials, design and components are provided as specified in the treatment plan3.
Complete fabrication process after achieving optimal fit and function of orthosis/prosthesis (e.g., convert diagnostic device to definitive orthosis/prosthesis)
Re-assess orthosis/prosthesis for structural safety at time of delivery3.
Educate patient and/or caregiver about the use and maintenance of the orthosis/prosthesis (e.g., wearing schedules, other instructions)
Document treatment using established record-keeping techniques to verify compliance with treatment plan3.
Domain 3 - Follow-up of the Treatment Plan    
Obtain feedback from patient and/or caregiver to evaluate outcomes (e.g., wear schedule/tolerance, comfort, ability to don and doff, proper usage and function)
Assess patient’s general health, including physical status, skin condition, height and weight3.
Assess patient’s psychosocial status (e.g., family status, job or caregiver)
Assess fit and function of orthosis/ prosthesis to determine need for changes to meet goals of the established treatment plan3.
Assess patient’s achievement of planned treatment goals3.
Inform certified orthotist/certified prosthetist of all findings that affect the treatment plan3.
Adjust orthosis/prosthesis to meet goals of treatment plan3.
Assess adjusted orthosis/prosthesis for structural safety3.
Evaluate results of adjustments to orthosis/prosthesis, including static and dynamic assessment3.
Educate patient to ensure continued proper use of adjusted orthosis/ prosthesis
Document all findings and actions related to follow-up using established record-keeping techniques3.
Domain 4–Practice Management     
Comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations (e.g., CMS, HIPAA, FDA, ADA, OSHA, state licensure)
Adhere to professional and ethical guidelines (e.g., ABC Code of Professional Responsibility)
Comply with established documentation requirements related to patient billing and claims development
Promote a safe and professional environment for patient care (e.g., universal precautions, ABC Facility Accreditation standards)
Domain 5–Promotion of Competency and Enhancement of Professional Practice    
Maintain competence by participating in continuing education3.
Participate in education of residents, students and staff2.
Participate in product development research, clinical trials and outcome studies
Participate in the development, implementation and monitoring of public policy regarding orthotics/ prosthetics (e.g., provide testimony/ information to legislative/regulatory bodies, serve on professional committees and regulatory agencies)
Promote public awareness of the profession