
©2025 by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics, Inc. All rights reserved.

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ABC State Licensure Handbook

January 2015


Passing a Bill

  • Appoint one or more spokespersons who are conveniently located to your state capital and who have the time to devote to getting the bill passed. Your spokesperson should understand the model, your specific vision and bill thoroughly.
  • Design a one-page handout to promote your cause. The Licensure of the Orthotic, Prosthetic and Pedorthic Profession attachment to this handbook can be used as a draft.
  • Personally visit the members of the legislative committees who have jurisdiction over the bill. Try to take a supportive O&P practitioner from each legislator’s district with you. Speak with each legislator or his/her legislative aide. Be prepared to be specific and succinct.
  • Attend all relevant committee meetings.
  • Visit as many legislators/aides as you can after the bill leaves committee. Provide letters and handouts to those whom you are unable to meet.
  • Be sure you understand the time frame available. It may be very short.
  • The legislative aide in your legislator/bill sponsor’s office can make a tremendous difference in your information flow. Be tactful, considerate and appreciative while working with them.
  • As soon as your bill passes the House or Senate, find out what day the bill will go to the other body and repeat the above process.