
©2025 by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Practice Analysis of ABC Certified Therapeutic Shoe Fitters

October 2021



On behalf of the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics, Inc. (ABC), I am pleased to present this Practice Analysis for the ABC Certified Therapeutic Shoe Fitters. This report describes the contemporary practice of credentialed therapeutic shoe fitters practicing in the United States. It represents the culmination of months of planning, execution and data analysis. Above all, we thank the dedicated subject matter expert professionals who generously contributed their time and expertise. Nine individuals served on the Practice Analysis/Test Specifications Committee. Its members: Janice Champagne, CFts, Pharm Tech; Tasha Gleason, CFts, C.Ped.; Quentin Howell, CFts, CFo; Erick Janisse, C.Ped.; Debra Madsen, CFts, CPht; Cynthia Monroe, CFts, CFo, CFm; Patti Ostermiller, CFts; Oyekunle Oyeyipo, CFts; and Shawn Whale, CFts; worked with us diligently throughout the study process.

At ABC, Steve Fletcher, CPO, LPO, Director of Professional Credentialing, provided outstanding guidance throughout the project, and Molly Maguire provided excellent organizational and administrative support.

At Prometric, Charis Walikonis and Oksana Naumenko provided leadership throughout the conduct of this practice analysis. Kimberley Henley-Oarr, Ian Sillars, Alyssa Rulf-Fountain, and Kathleen Champagne all provided support and oversight throughout the duration of the project.

Anthony C. Ward, CPO