In January, we announced our commitment to provide $1 million in OP&P scholarships over the next five years to orthotist/prosthetist, technician and pedorthist students...
The Career Awareness Initiative is moving right along and most of the research on our target audiences has been completed. McCabe Message Partners, our communications partner on this project, undertook a mixture of quantitative and qualitative research...
We are currently seeking nominations for an open director position on the ABC Board of Directors. Each position has a four-year commitment beginning December 1, 2022.
If your five-year continuing education cycle ends on December 31, 2022, don’t wait until the last minute to start earning the credits you need. While five years is a long time, sometimes even the most important to-dos can get lost in the shuffle.
With so many great resources available to help create a positive workplace culture, we decided it would make it easier for you to find and utilize these resources if they were in one place.
LAST MONTH…EP. 38: CMS's PRIOR AUTHORIZATION PROGRAM: THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE NEWLY ADDED CODES - CMS has added five additional orthotic HCPCS codes to the Master List. What challenges does this present to real-time healthcare?