The recent changes to the Scope of Practice related to privileging took effect on January 1 and there have been some questions about the effect on the provision of off-the-shelf (OTS) orthoses, especially when it comes to the role of non-credentialed staff.
ABC’s accreditation standards allow for the provision of OTS items by non-credentialed staff. This means that no supervision is needed when OTS items are being dispensed. Keep in mind that all of the same documentation requirements are still in place (e.g. signed delivery receipt, proof that warranty and patient instructions were provided, notes describing what was provided and why, etc.).
Visit the ABC website for more information and a privileging chart that details what types of items require credentialed staff and which items do not as well as which types of certified staff can be privileged for which specific types of services.
Remember the changes to the Scope of Practice did not impact the supervision and privileging of a credentialed caregiver.
One solution many companies have explored is encouraging non-credentialed staff to become certified as an orthotic or therapeutic shoe fitter. This would allow employees to continue to provide patient care independently while still staying within their scope of practice.
Clarification about the new Support Personnel category and what types of tasks can be delegated to these staff members is available on our website in the revised Scope of Practice which includes a full definition of the new Support Personnel category.
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