Medicare Corner: Medicare Prior Authorization for Lower Limb Prostheses
To keep you informed about legislative activities that ABC and the O&P Alliance are undertaking, we would like to share an article from the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA).
Making Time for Your Annual Facility Review
“Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally but what you do consistently.” When it comes to your facility’s annual compliance, it’s best to start early to ensure these tasks don’t pile up.
Featured Standard: AD.5.1 -- OMG, What's the OIG?
The OIG requires health care entities to regularly check the List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE) to ensure that individuals or entities are not listed.
Annual Fees Are Due December 1
Your 2021 Annual Fee and Data Verification Form is due to ABC on December 1. Invoices are available now in your facility's MY ABC account. Notifications will be sent in early October. 

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