Already Accredited?

If you are an existing ABC accredited facility, apply here to renew your accreditation.

Renew Now

Also choose the Renew Now button if:

  • You were previously denied/expired or withdrew your application within the past year OR
  • You wish to change your accreditation status for any of the following reasons:
    • Service Add-on -- adding a new service to your existing primary or affiliate location
    • Affiliate Add-on -- have less than four affiliates and wish to add a new affiliate location
    • Location Move -- existing facility (primary or affiliate) is moving to a new location
    • Ownership Change -- in which the facility is operating as a new entity (new TIN) or a new owner has been added to an existing accredited facility or an owner is added via a stock sale with the same TIN

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the Accreditation Team at

Ready to Apply?

If you are a ​​first time applicant and already have a Login ID, select the Apply Now button to start the application process.

Apply Now

Need to create an account/request a Login ID? 

Request ID


New or Renewing? Watch our Accreditation Application
Walk-Through Video
 to guide you through the process.

Online Application Walk-through