You have a very important job, supporting someone who is living with a prosthesis or orthosis.
Whether you are a caring for a loved one, a rehab patient or providing long-term care, it is important to understand the terminology, find resources for additional information and support, and help in locating certified practitioners and accredited facilities in your area.
Certification and accreditation provides you with the assurance that the right care provider is a member of your team.
The role of the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics (ABC) is to ensure the highest level of accreditation, certification, professionalism and standards that help healthcare professionals in orthotics, prosthetics, pedorthics and post-mastectomy care exceed Medicare guidelines.
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The American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics Inc. (ABC) has been the leading credentialing body for the orthotic, prosthetic and pedorthic professions since 1948.